Mercatini di Natale a Favaro Veneto

Place: Veneto / Venezia

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Mercatini di Natale a Favaro Veneto

The NSV Cultural Association APS Event Organization affiliated with A.I.C.S. - Provincial Committee of Rovigo, promotes and organizes the "Christmas Markets in Favaro Veneto" which will take place on Friday 08, Saturday 09 and Sunday 10 December 2023 in Favaro Veneto (VE), in Piazza Angelo Pastrello from 09:00 to 19:00 :00 and include the presence of exhibitors of popular traditions, artistic craftsmanship and works of creative ingenuity with curious and original Christmas decorations and gift ideas with practical demonstrations of on-site processing techniques, the review of typical regional food and wine products and Italian tastings and seasonal sweet and savory food specialties handcrafted to enhance the tastes and flavors of an ancient tradition now lost, natural products and remedies for body care and healthy living.
There will also be refreshment points that will warm up visitors with delicious menus, hot chocolate and mulled wine.
The event's rich program includes exhibitions, shows, concerts and thematic entertainment for children every day.

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Mercatini di Natale a Favaro Veneto

The event in brief

Name: Mercatini di Natale a Favaro Veneto

Where: Favaro Veneto - Piazza Angelo Pastrello - Favaro Veneto (VE)

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: NSV Organizzazione Eventi

The event on Facebook :