Italian Wines

You can find here a list of Italian wines grouped by the region of production. In Italy there are 20 regions and each one has some valuable productions of white and red wines. Each wine is identified by its designation of origin (Italian DOC, DOCG or IGT name) and the name of the grape variety (i.e. in Alto Adige Cabernet Sauvignon, "Alto Adige" is the Italian name of the DOC production area, and "Cabernet Sauvignon" is of course the name of the well known international grape variety it is made of - usually with a minimun percentage of the 85%). When the wine is made of an undefined blend of different grape varieties (chosen among the red or white varieties listed in the DOC specifications) the wine has the generic appellation of "rosso" (red), "bianco" (white) or "rosato" (i.e. "Bolgheri Rosso").



Eventi in Italia

Strettule, i Percorsi del Gusto Postiglionese
Cantine Aperte a Natale 2024
La Notte degli Alambicchi accesi
Mercatini di Natale a Plan De Corones
Saranno Famosi nel Vino
Festa del Broccoletto
Il Magico Paese di Natale di Govone
Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo Bianco d'Alba
see all