Scozia in Tour e Mercato Europeo - Parma

Luogo: Parma, centro

Regione: Emilia Romagna

Attenzione: questa è la scheda di un'edizione passata. Cerca sul sito o verifica coi riferimenti riportati nel testo se esiste un'edizione in programma per quest'anno.
Scozia in Tour e Mercato Europeo - Parma

Confirmed also for the 2024 edition, the presence of a Scottish delegation at the European Market event, an itinerant event organized by the national association Anva Confesercenti, which will take place in Parma at Via Verdi from April 11th to 14th.

An event that will bring about fifty companies of artisanal products and street food from all over Europe to the city. From Austria to France, from Spain to Belgium, from Germany to Poland, from Greece to the Netherlands. Then the Italian traditions of Sicily, Puglia, and other regions with their excellences.

Four days that will transform Via Verdi into the beating heart of Parma, with the stands open continuously.

Scotland will also be present this year with its delegation, offering the many visitors the opportunity to discover the products of its territory.

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Coordinate dell'evento

Titolo: Scozia in Tour e Mercato Europeo - Parma

Luogo: Parma, centro - via Verdi, Parma

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: -

Organizzatore / promotore dell'evento: Anva Confesercenti nazionale

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