SAPEG - Wine&Food Festival

Place: Piemonte / Novara

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

SAPEG - Wine&Food Festival

Giorni e orari FIERA
sabato 25 marzo 2023 dalle 10 alle 20
domenica 26 marzo 2023 dalle 10 alle 20

Vi aspettiamo al Castello di Novara Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 28100 Novara

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SAPEG - Wine&Food Festival

The event in brief


Where: Novara, Castello Visconteo Sforzesco - Piazza Martiri della Libertà - 28100 Novara

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Nova Eventi

To read more on the web:

The event on Facebook :