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Olio e dintorni a Oleis di Manzano

La manifestazione Olio e Dintorni, organizzata dall'Associazione Oleis e Dintorni, si terrà dal 24 al 26 maggio 2019, sempre presso la "Villa Maseri" di Oleis di Manzano. Prima festa regionale dedicata solo all'olio propone, al suo interno, convegni, corsi di potatura, degustazioni di olio extravergine di oliva, laboratori e attività volte alla valorizzazione di questo patrimonio.


dal May 24, 2019
al May 26, 2019

 evento passato

Regione: Friuli Venezia Giulia
Provincia: Udine

Olio e dintorni a Oleis di Manzano

Place: Friuli Venezia Giulia / Udine

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Olio e dintorni a Oleis di Manzano
The exhibition "Oil and Surroundings", born in 2004, from the municipal administration idea of ​​Manzano, thanks to the availability and hospitality of prof. Attilio Maseri, whose organization was then curated by Oleis and Surroundings, continues its course this year also. It will be held May 27 to 29, 2016, again at the "Villa Maseri" Prof cardiologist Attilio Maseri of Oleis Manzano. "Oil and Environment" is an initiative to promote the ancient tradition of Oleis village of Manzano: the cultivation of olives and production of oil. event goal is precisely to promote the planting of olive trees, the exploitation of the land and bring back, after time, the oil and the olive tree of Friuli. The event which is also a container of topics and place of scientific technical comparison, historical, artistic and technical disclosure, is the first festival dedicated only to the oil region and certainly the most pleasant, set in a lovely environment, which the park the court of Villa Maseri. During the event will be held, therefore, technical conferences aimed at companies and to the public, the olive pruning courses, tastings of extra virgin olive oil, thanks to the participation of different regional manufacturers. They will provide, to all the fans and participants, the basic elements needed for oil production activities and knowledge to recognize and use extra virgin olive oil quality. In addition, during the event, they will offer additional events such as workshops for children, extempore painting and much more. For info: Arc Oleis and Surroundings President: Annamaria Chiappo 347/7153072
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Olio e dintorni a Oleis di Manzano

The event in brief

Name: Olio e dintorni a Oleis di Manzano

Where: Villa Maseri - Via Poggiobello 12, 33044 Oleis UD

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Oleis e Dintorni

To read more on the web: http://oleisedintorni.wix.com/oleis...