Momenti Natalizi a San Zaccaria

Place: Emilia Romagna / Ravenna

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Momenti Natalizi a San Zaccaria

On Sunday 10 December '23, the Citizens' Committee of San Zaccaria organizes a Christmas party in the Conad City area, adjacent to Piazza del Vino, in the town of the same name in the province of Ravenna.
Throughout the morning, from 09:00 to 12:30, a large hobby market will be set up in the area and there will also be some charity stands including: AVIS (Association of Italian Blood Volunteers), AIDO (Italian Association for Organ Donation) and the Italian Red Cross, La Panchina di Elisa.

A workshop dedicated to the construction and decoration of wooden decorations will be organized for younger people managed by the Rubboli Carpentry.
Obviously there will be a Christmas mailbox and a beautiful workshop for writing your own letter to Santa Claus, in English.

Access to the event is completely free, as will the mulled wine, various drinks, bruschetta and sausage (offered by Conad City San Zaccaria). Thanks to the presence of a well-known roasting company, Caffè Siesta, the coffee will also be completely free.
A Christmas biscuit competition has also been announced, where the four judges will evaluate the categories: aesthetics, creativity, taste and most imaginative name. Subsequently these desserts will also be offered as a snack to all participants.

Last but not least, the Asd San Zaccaria Bike offers a non-competitive cycling gymkhana, which will start at 09:30.... read more»

We also thank the Municipality of Ravenna, through the Decentralization of Castiglione and the related Territorial Council for their patronage and support of the project.

The volunteers of the Citizens Committee invite all the citizens of San Zaccaria but also from neighboring towns to participate and experience a moment of healthy aggregation and fun.

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Momenti Natalizi a San Zaccaria

The event in brief

Name: Momenti Natalizi a San Zaccaria

Where: San Zaccaria - Ravenna (RA)


Organization / promoter of the event: Comitato Cittadino di San Zaccaria

The event on Facebook :