in corso

Cantine aderenti

from 17 march to 27 october 2024

Every weekend from Sunday, March 17th, until October 27th, 2024, there will be an appointment with "Vigneti Aperti," the initiative launched by the Wine Tourism Movement featuring many outdoor experiences.

Italia / Several / Events

in corso

Aziende del Movimento Turismo Vino

from 01 september to 31 october 2024

‘Cantine Aperte in Vendemmia’ is just around the corner and marks the magnificent transition from the sunny summer to the vibrant autumn colors and the harvest festival.

Italia / Several / Events


sagre e feste

Sagre e feste a Massa Carrara

Scopri le sagre e feste di paese e patronali, le fiere e le mostre mercato dei prodotti tipici, in programma a Massa Carrara, oggi, nel weekend e nelle prossime settimane.
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mostre e spettacoli

Mostre d'arte e spettacoli a Massa Carrara

Scopri gli eventi artistici e culturali in programma a Massa Carrara, oggi, nel weekend e nelle prossime settimane. Mostre, teatro, musica, danza e incontri da non perdere.
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Other out-of-date events that could also take place in the current year

Cantine Aperte a San Martino

LAST UPDATE: November 04, 2023

Camminata tra gli Olivi

LAST UPDATE: October 29, 2023

Giornata Nazionale dei Locali Storici d’Italia

LAST UPDATE: October 01, 2022