Festa della Befana a Giaveno

Place: Piemonte / Torino

Festa della Befana a Giaveno

The day of the Epiphany is special in Giaveno. The last day to admire the splendid illuminations of the Festival of Lights, with projection games on the bell tower and in the Marchini park, where fountains and trees speak, telling stories!

The stalls that make up the traditional market will be set up in the historic center. You will be able to find local producers (with honey, cheeses, local cured meats and other delicacies) and hobbyists with their artisanal creations made with a lot of creativity.

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Festa della Befana a Giaveno

The event in brief

Name: Festa della Befana a Giaveno

Where: Giaveno - piazza Molines - Giaveno (TO)


Organization / promoter of the event: Comune di Giaveno

The event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/giavenoinf...