Edizioni successive

non confermato

Culatello & Jazz

Appuntamento a venerdì 9 settembre 2022 a Roccabianca per la tredicesima edizione di Culatello & Jazz, la rassegna artistica e gastronomica nel cuore della Bassa parmense che intreccia i sapori unici del territorio alle contaminazioni musicali del jazz contemporaneo.


September 09, 2022

 evento passato

Regione: Emilia Romagna
Provincia: Parma

non confermato

Culatello & Jazz 2016

L'edizione 2016 dell’appuntamento dedicato al jazz e alla scoperta dei sapori della bassa parmense - attraverso l’alta cucina e la grande tradizione musicale - si svolgerà venerdì 9 settembre 2016 nella straordinaria e romantica cornice notturna del Castello di Roccabianca.


September 09, 2016

 evento passato

Regione: Emilia Romagna
Provincia: Parma

non confermato

Culatello & Jazz 7^ edizione

La settima edizione dell’appuntamento dedicato al jazz e alla scoperta dei sapori della bassa parmense - attraverso l’alta cucina e la grande tradizione musicale - si svolgerà venerdì 11 settembre 2015 nella straordinaria e romantica cornice notturna del Castello di Roccabianca.


September 11, 2015

 evento passato

Regione: Emilia Romagna
Provincia: Parma

Culatello & Jazz 2014

Place: Emilia Romagna / Parma

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Culatello & Jazz 2014

It will be held Friday, September 12, 2014 in the extraordinary and romantic nocturnal setting of the Castle of Roccabianca the sixth edition of the appointment dedicated to jazz and discover the flavors of the country of Parma - by haute cuisine and the great musical tradition. A fifteenth-century castle, a gourmet dinner with guest of honor Culatello of Parma and the great jazz to combine everything. Here Culatello & Jazz, the event with music and the taste achieved through Verdiano Spirit and the Cultural Rest-Art. Dinner will be prepared by chef Massimo Spigaroli, who in 2010 won his first Michelin star at the restaurant "Antica Corte Pallavicina" of Polesine Parmense, and great interpreter of the Parmesan tradition, it will propose a specially designed menu around excellence of salted pork . After the success of previous years, the Roccabianca Castle becomes the extraordinary nocturnal setting for this evening that unites all the senses by hearing the taste. And while dinner comes to an end, he begins to live music. The concert will accompany the evening GENERATIONS feat. FRED WESLEY & Flavio Boltro and starring FRED WESLEY - trombone and vocals, Flavio Boltro - trumpet, LEONARDO CORRADI - hammond, keyboards, TONY MATCH - Battery The ingredients are all there to confirm the high level of artists and gastronomic offerings. A quality that arises from the lively and fruitful collaboration between Verdi Spirit and Cultural Association Rest-Art, former organizer of various events including the prestigious international festival NovaraJazz. Tickets are on sale at the site www.vivaticket.it and at authorized retailers of the province of Parma.

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Culatello & Jazz 2014

The event in brief

Name: Culatello & Jazz

Where: Roccabianca - Parma - Castello di Roccabianca, Parma


Organization / promoter of the event: Spirito Verdiano, Associazione Culturale Rest-Art

To read more on the web: http://www.culatelloejazz.it/