Bollicine 2015 alla Tenuta di Artimino

Place: Toscana / Prato

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Bollicine 2015 alla Tenuta di Artimino
A sparkling evening, in every sense: for the sixth edition of Bubbles - a traditional summer event in the Artimino estate, on the hills of Carmignano (Prato) - Medicean Villa "La Ferdinanda" has organized for Thursday, July 2, 2015 a dedicated cocktail party the world of sparkling wines and champagne, this time declined in musical key thanks to the concert of Simona Bencini of the "hijackers on Cuba." For the occasion, starting from 20.30 on the Villa Belvedere garden will set up a tasting table with manufacturers of champagne and sparkling wine, and will be made a buffet with the luxury cars of Porsche Autoin Florence on display in the courtyard. At sunset, the concert of the Florentine singer will liven up the evening before giving way to the DJ set with lounge music and disco.Infine shows, live performances and fireworks light up the villa and the whole tenuta.Forte insights and lifestyle influences that have sanctioned its success, the event "Bubbles" is now one of the traditional events of the bon vivre made in Tuscany and draws hundreds of visitors from across the region. Entrance fee: 38 € (10% discount for AIS members, Fisar and Onav). For reservations: tel 0558751426-7-8
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Bollicine 2015 alla Tenuta di Artimino

The event in brief

Name: "Bollicine" 2017 alla Villa medicea di Artimino

Where: Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 1, Artimino - Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 1, Artimino, Carmignano PO


Organization / promoter of the event: Tenuta di Artimino

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