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Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

Dopo due anni di stop causati dalla pandemia, a Parma dal 5 al 7 aprile si riaccendono i forni del Campionato Mondiale della Pizza 2022, la più importante manifestazione di professionisti della pizza a livello internazionale, giunta quest’anno alla 29ª edizione.


dal April 05, 2022
al April 07, 2022

 evento passato

Regione: Emilia Romagna
Provincia: Parma

25^ Edizione del Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

Place: Emilia Romagna / Parma

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

25^ Edizione del  Campionato Mondiale della Pizza
The most important, long-lived and international world competition of pizza back to Parma (Palacassa, Fiere di Parma) on 11, 12 and 13 April 2016. 8000 pizza makers met and challenged, more than 15,000 pizzas were baked in 1992 - year when he left the first World Pizza Championship, to date. The Pizza World Championship has gone through 25 years of our recent history, interpreting radical changes and small revolutions that have influenced our lifestyle, including pizza and pizza makers. Over the years, the professionalism of the pizza makers has grown enormously and the pizza has become, finally, and deservedly, synonymous with research and haute cuisine, also declined in alternative gluten free, vegetarian and vegan. More and more the female approaches to this profession, with a slow but steady growth: 1991-2016 pizzaiole the women have more than doubled and now account for 12% of the class. But if the love of Italians for this prince plate remains unchanged, to change is the way it is appreciated: First the Web, to follow the media phenomenon of television shows dedicated to the kitchen brought the audience to be interested more and more flour, dough, mozzarella and tomato. This development is also the result of the great movement of information and international events like the World Pizza Championship, which brought the culture of real Italian pizza also outside the national borders. The timing of pizza with mayonnaise and ketchup fortunately seem to be coming to an end: even today in London, Berlin, New York and Tokyo you can find a real Neapolitan pizza, cooked in a wood oven and artfully prepared according to tradition, perhaps by a pizza maker no "Italic". The World Championship of Pizza 2016 involving nearly 35 countries (Italy, USA, France, Australia, Japan, Brazil, Thailand, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Britain, Russia, Poland, to name a few), with more than 650 competitors and almost 7000 visitors. The year 2016 celebrates the 25th year of the event and will be filled with many new features: 4 themed areas dedicated to specific recipes of pizza and pasta dishes, 11 specialties including cooking and skills competitions, and above all, a great opportunity to see gathered more than 650 pizza chefs in action and the best pizzas in the world in a single event. Infomail: info@campionatomondialedellapizza.it
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25^ Edizione del  Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

The event in brief

Name: Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

Where: Palacassa, Fiere di Parma - Viale delle Esposizioni, 393A - 43126 Parma

When: -

To read more on the web: http://www.campionatomondialedellap...