TerraMare - I Salone dei Sapori di Sicilia

Place: Sicilia / Messina

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

TerraMare - I Salone dei Sapori di Sicilia
From 17 to 22 July 2015 at Milazzo Castle will host the event "TerraMare", exhibition of the Sicilian taste that will involve all the culinary excellence of our land. Showcasing unparalleled for the flavors, smells and colors Sicilians. More than a hundred exhibitors will gather in the beautiful location of Milazzo Castle, also art-historical Sicilian excellence, to present itself to visitors, tourists and locals, the first great hall of the Sicilian taste. "TerraMare" is a display of excellence, the exaltation of wisdom, values ​​and regional tradition. The days of the exhibition will be continuously enriched by seminars, master's and high educational value insights on the roots of the Sicilian. The Round Tables, the salon daily appointment, will create an opportunity for growth and comparison of relevant topics, to learn about the problems and make suggestions so that they can be solved, to create a movement of rediscovery of roots, culinary and beyond, land siciliano.Dalla Terra al Mare, the exhibition show will embrace every gastronomic aspect of our beautiful and rich region, a rediscovery and deepening that will travel all Sicilian diversity, including water. "TerraMare" is an opportunity for all of us Sicilians to rediscover our regional traditions and above all to savor the real taste. The event acts as promoter of eating right, the food at kilometer zero and original flavors and ingredients, countering modernism and global artifact. Tastings and rediscoveries of the Sicilian excellence will show visitors the unique taste of tradition, new tastes but equally ancient to be rediscovered and promoted. At the same time the tourist will be driven in a path of discovery of our land. "TerraMare" combines tradition and instructive value in moments of games for children and entertainment with many shows and musical moments for adults, teaching of the profound values ​​lightly. Come and be guided to the discovery of the Sicilian taste. Hours: from 10:00 until 24:00
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TerraMare - I Salone dei Sapori di Sicilia

The event in brief

Name: TerraMare

Where: Via Duomo Antico - Via Duomo Antico - Milazzo (ME)

When: -

To read more on the web: http://www.terramareweb.com/