Edizioni successive

non confermato

Suoni e Sapori del Salento e di Puglia

Saranno 4 giorni alla scoperta delle eccellenze pugliesi nella splendida cornice della Città dei Martiri. Un evento che quest'anno prevede oltre 1 km di passeggiata enogastronomica, partendo dal Lungomare Terra d'Otranto passando per il centro storico sino alla suggestiva posizione panoramica di Torre Motta.


dal June 01, 2017
al June 04, 2017

 evento passato

Regione: Puglia
Provincia: Lecce

Suoni e Sapori del Salento

Place: Puglia / Lecce

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Suoni e Sapori del Salento
First edition of Sounds and Tastes of Salento, food and wine festival organized by Music Empire Events Agency, with the support of the City of Otranto, for 1 and 2 June 2016, on the seafront of Otranto, in the province of Lecce, two days to discover Salentine excellence. Sounds and flavors of Salento is an event that combines the Salentine sounds, more food and wine tours to discover and taste the best wines from Salento, along with a selection of craft beers that are a perfect fit with the typical local products. Among the itineraries of the historic center of Otranto splendid setting, you will find a careful selection of the best clubs in the city, but also a selection of shops, where you can find local products, in continuity with the booth seats on the seafront. Sounds and flavors of Salento is a walk where ears and palate are enriched with sounds and flavors. From the 21:00, the concerts will liven up the event's main square, while, for the little ones, will be set up, since the morning, a playground. For the occasion, dozens of local companies stand will be available to the public, to taste their products, and shopping locations, however, will be keen to make known the beauty of the place. complete program June 1, 2016 Opening Hours 18:00 Stand 21:30 pm open the concerts on the main stage the "Anima Lunae" Hours 23:00 will be performing "Scazzacatarante". June 2, 2016 18:00 am - Opening Stand 21.30 "Spider Web Folk band" Hours 23:00 will be performing on the main stage the "Uccio Aloisi Gruppu". For info +39.393.92.69.969 info@suoniesaporidelsalento.com
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Suoni e Sapori del Salento

The event in brief

Name: Suoni e Sapori del Salento

Where: Centro storico - 73028, Otranto, Lecce

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Music Empire Agenzia Eventi

To read more on the web: http://www.suoniesaporidelsalento.c...