Salone del Prodotto Tipico

Place: Lazio / Roma

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Salone del Prodotto Tipico

In Rome, on 25 and 26 February 2017, two days dedicated to wines and flavors of the territories of Italy, enriched by the hospitality and the farm's proposed routes, including tasting and show cooking to tell a phenomenon to 40 billion EUR the year with 500 thousand seats at the table to accommodate the army of food and wine tourists.

The event, conceived and curated by Piemmeti, Veronafiere company then offers the perfect combination between the rural world and that the reception of the typical products, the two protagonists of the food and wine tourism, a phenomenon able to develop a business of nearly 40 billion euro per year.

The beautiful spaces of the Salone delle Fontane, in the EUR district, will host some of the most interesting is the beautiful country estates with a selection of artisans of taste who will offer visitors the opportunity to sample and buy products that goodness also combine the charm a history and a tradition that has few equals in the world.

"Italy can boast an unquestionable leadership in the field of food production - explains Ado Rebuli, President of Piemmeti - but, above all, is the country that more than any other created a strong identification between the territories and their excellencies gastronomic. Our event is based precisely on this unavoidable link between the beauty of our land and the quality of products they express. In summary we can say that the so-called rural tourism and local products are the sentinels of the Italian gastronomic tradition. " And the latest ISTAT data confirm this trend. Of the approximately 22 thousand farms in our country, over 60% offers catering or tasting, for a total of about 500 thousand seats. On average the 40 places Set by individual companies, with Sardinia to lead this special list, with more than 70 seats, and the province of Bolzano to close it, with 11.5. Tuscany is the most represented region, with about 1,300 companies authorized to the administration of food but the phenomenon has been growing steadily throughout the national territory, with towering peaks especially in the center of the peninsula.... read more»

"The food and wine tourism has long since ceased to be a niche phenomenon - confirmed Raul Barbieri, Director of Piemmeti - and has become a major asset for our economy. Both the Italian and international observer what is increasingly attentive to the quality of what is on the table and in the glasses of the places that choose for their holidays. Indeed, often it is the products to determine the choice of a place rather than another and there are many territories that owe their good fortune to their excellence. Our event aims to give guests the opportunity to rediscover, to scale, an annotated map of the Italian food and wine field, not forgetting the reception capacity that now characterizes much of our regions and provinces ".

But for the public in Rome there will be not only products to taste and buy. Even those who find the products presents them and processes them: the Salon Product Typical sees in fact, for this first edition, a special appearance by Giorgione, the legendary chef of the Gambero Rosso, and then Arcangelo Dandini, the host par excellence, owner de Archangel, and Stefano Callegari, the king of trapizzini. So great expectations for the show cooking event of these fantastic characters, catering.

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Salone del Prodotto Tipico

The event in brief

Name: Salone del Prodotto Tipico

Where: Salone delle Fontane - Rama - Via Ciro il Grande, 10 - 00144 Roma

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Piemmeti spa

To read more on the web: http://www.salonedelprodottotipico....