Garden Beer ai Giardini Margherita di Bologna

Place: Emilia Romagna / Bologna

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Garden Beer ai Giardini Margherita di Bologna

From Friday, April 28 to Monday, May 1, 2017 event not to miss the Giardini Margherita in Bologna with the BEER GARDEN, four days of taste and fun to live in the green of one of the most beloved and popular places in the city. Featuring the world of craft beers, with over ten pins dedicated to the creations of some of the most popular microbreweries of the territory and not only present the BREWERY ZAPAP of Castelletto di Serravalle and BEER Casio RENO Castel, in addition to the beer selection curated by LA FRASCA oN tHE ROAD - partner of the event with the staff of GARDENBO - which will offer rotating labels BEER BELLAZZI, BREWFIST, BABILIA BEER, BEER NO SOCKS, DOUBLE MALT and more! There will be food stations, with authentic piadine proposed by Frescopiada artisans and a tasty fried roundup - from stuffed olives cremini, through battered vegetables and stuffed turnovers - the Marche region, apart from the delicious ice cream of GardenBo. All it accompanied by a super calendar of live music: Friday night at 20:30 off the dance with funky catastrophic fig-insane of FRENCH KISS AND Haloa Haloa BEACH; Saturday double-header in collaboration with the Cultural Association Peacock Lab: starting at 20 with copyright rap signed by SHARK, for romping to follow the "double win" DJ DJ SET JUNGLE + DJ Set PEACOCK LAB; Sundays at 21 is finally the turn of hangovers, one of the most popular bands in and around Bologna. Dedicated to children with LEGNOGIOCANDO the day of May 1: from 14 until evening spaces of the Garden Beer will be invaded by over 40 beautiful wooden games at free of children, parents' use and grandparents, a fun and original initiative organized by Ludobus . The entrance to the space will be free. The event will take place (even in bad weather) at the kiosk at the Garden BO, side entrance Porta Castiglione. Info: 349.5357312

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Garden Beer ai Giardini Margherita di Bologna

The event in brief

Name: Garden Beer ai Giardini Margherita di Bologna

Where: Giardini Margherita di Bologna - Via Castiglione - Bologna

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Garden Bo