Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

Place: Lombardia / Cremona

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

The famous Cremonese culinary event returns in autumn, from 6 October to 19 November, with a range of events combining gastronomic tradition and innovation.

At the center of the event there will be "Il Villaggio della mostarda" the exhibition space in the Gardens of Piazza Roma which will host from 6 to 8 October, in collaboration with the Salami Festival, the mustard producers who will exhibit and present their products . The objective is to strengthen and spread knowledge of mustard and its versatility in the kitchen through tastings and insights into the history and tradition of this gastronomic specialty.

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Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

The event in brief

Name: Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

Where: Cremona - Cremona (CR)

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Camera di Commercio di Cremona

To read more on the web: https://www.festivaldellamostarda.c...

The event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FestivalDe...