Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

Luogo: Cremona

Regione: Lombardia

Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

Less than a month remains until the start of the Mustard Festival, held both online and in various locations from October 4th to November 17th. The in-person events will take place from October 4th to 6th during the Festa del Salame (festadelsalamecremona.it) and from November 9th to 17th during the Festa del Torrone (festadeltorrone.com).

Now in its tenth edition, the festival will offer a rich calendar of events and initiatives both on-site and online, allowing participants to discover and taste the most refined variations of Cremonese mustard. The event will feature producers, food and wine businesses, restaurants, and bloggers.

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Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

Coordinate dell'evento

Titolo: Festival della Mostarda di Cremona

Luogo: Cremona - Cremona (CR)

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: -

Organizzatore / promotore dell'evento: Camera di Commercio di Cremona

Per approfondire: https://www.festivaldellamostarda.c...

Per approfondire sui social : https://www.facebook.com/FestivalDe...

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