Festa di Primavera a Favaro Veneto

Place: Veneto / Venezia

Festa di Primavera a Favaro Veneto

The Cultural Association NSV Event Organization APS, affiliated with A.I.C.S. - Provincial Committee of Rovigo, promotes and organizes on Thursday, April 25th, 2024, in Favaro Veneto (VE), in Piazza Angelo Pastrello from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, the 'Spring Festival,' which includes the Floriculture, Gardening, and Garden Furniture Show-Market.

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Festa di Primavera a Favaro Veneto

The event in brief

Name: Festa di Primavera a Favaro Veneto

Where: Favaro Veneto, centro - Piazza Angelo Pastrello - Favaro Veneto (VE)


Organization / promoter of the event: NSV Organizzazione Eventi

The event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NsvOrganiz...