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Beer Park Festival 2017

Ritorna il Beer Park Festival, il 9, 10 e 11 giugno 2017 a Roma, per la sua quarta edizione. Anche quest’anno sarà una grande e colorata festa all’insegna della birra artigianale e dello street food. Tra le novità di questa quarta edizione, ci sarà una nuova location, il parco del Ponte Nomentano, uno spazio verde situato a due passi da Piazza Sempione sulla Via Nomentana.


dal June 10, 2017
al June 11, 2017

 evento passato

Regione: Lazio
Provincia: Roma

Beer Park Festival 2016

Place: Lazio / Roma

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Beer Park Festival 2016
After the great success of the past years, returns the Beer Park Festival, for the third year, the festival dedicated to craft beer, organized in Rome, in the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve, in the complex of green spaces and interiors at the club Brancaleone, to the days 17 to 19 June 2016.Il beer Park Festival is back with many new features and attractions designed to give life back to a great celebration of craft beer, in a green environment, free and genuine. The beverage section will propose the best Italian craft breweries and the most interesting European news, present with producers and brewers, who will explain and make you taste their products, with a specific detail of the production philosophy of each of the common denominator characterized by the realization of a product first-rate, with a view to enhancing the brand of Italian craft beer. The food section will, however, careful selection of the best and most sought after street food of "three or four" wheels of the regional and national level, with gourmet food and ideations of choice, prepared and offered directly from the manufacturers, each to present their specialties and achievements that distinguish them in the most genuine way. 16 Artisan Breweries will participate, among the realities of the best national and international brewing scene and 8 stations dedicated to Street food quality. The Beer Park Festival will be held completely outdoors in the beautiful garden spaces equipped, extended compared to previous editions, and will include many of the public involvement activities in the inner rooms, with leisure activities, tournaments organized by the Italian League Beerpong, DJ Set , concerts and screenings of UEFA European Championship 2016, which will alternate in the course of several days up to inoltrata.Anche evening for this year, admission is free and will give the opportunity to taste a wide selection of craft beers on tap, coming the most interesting of the national territory. Among the breweries will be present reference names of the Italian landscape, specially selected for the occasion: Argo Brewery, Brewery Sant'Andrea, Eternal City Brewing, Small Brewery Clandestino, Lucky Brews, Brewery La Forge, Jungle Juice Brewing, Hilltop Brewery, Black Barrels, Bibibir, Three Snowmen Brewery, Naparbier, Hop Warriors, Ritual Lab, B94 Brewery, Brewery Doge. There will also be a selection of gluten-free beers. Of great interest also the colored stations Street Food, with a careful selection and a wide choice of products to suit everyone, accessible for any need: BBQ Valdichiana, Bee Magna, Gricia Road, Ma Ma Ma Pizza, Sfizio Capital, Sorduilio, SPQR grillers, Pizza and mortazza. Times Friday, June 17: 17,00 - 02,00Sabato June 18: 12,00 - 02,00Domenica June 19: 12,00 - 02,00 For info info@beerparkfestival.it
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Beer Park Festival 2016

The event in brief

Name: Beer Park Festival: Festa della Birra Artigianale a Roma

Where: Parco della Valle dell’Aniene - Via Levanna, 13, 00141, Roma

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Beer Park Festival, beershop Malto Misto

To read more on the web: http://www.beerparkfestival.it/