Sagra delle frittelle - San Donato in Collina
Where: San Donato in Collina
When: January 18, 2025 - March 19, 2025
Viareggio celebrates its Carnival. Parades of gigantic allegorical floats, shows, balls, local festivals, historical re-enactments, art events, cultural, musical and theater events will be the protagonists.
From mid-January to mid-March in San Donato in Collina, in the province of Florence, the Frittelle Festival takes place every weekend. The food stands will be open on Saturday and Sunday.
In February, the city of Florence hosts "Florence and Chocolate", the artisan chocolate fair.
Nel mese di febbraio a Le Piastre, frazione del comune di Pistoia si svolge la storica Sagra della Polenda Dolce, un evento che punta alla promozione dei prodotti tipici e delle tradizioni locali.
Pieve di Bagno a Ripoli (FI) propone da quarant'anni la sagra delle frittelle, un periodo di festa in cui assaggiare le golosissime frittelle preparate secondo la tradizione.
In Castiglion Fibocchi, a Carnival with ancient origins, celebrated since the Middle Ages. Instead of allegorical floats, numerous masks fill the streets and squares.
La storica Festa della Polenta è in programma a fine febbraio a San Quirico, frazione del Comune di Vernio (PO). La manifestazione celebra uno dei piatti tipici della Valle del Bisenzio, la polenta dolce a base di farina di castagne
The most important public event dedicated to Italian cultural and landscape heritage. A weekend with 750 extraordinary openings in 400 cities throughout Italy.
Bistecca e Acquacotta sono i piatti protagonisti della sagra che si svolge a Fonteblanda (GR) nel mese di marzo. La sagra è organizzata dall'ASD Fonteblanda e ha come tema la bistecca alla fiorentina servita su pietre calde e l'acquacotta, piatto tipico della tradizione contadina maremmana.
Every year at the end of March the appointment that inaugurates the "spring of taste" of Tuscany returns: a weekend to be experienced among flavors and initiatives dedicated to young and old. The Marzuolo Truffle Market Exhibition takes place in Volterra (PI)
Cooperativa Sociale Parco Santa Barbara Onlus, Enjoy Park e Croce Rossa Italiana comitato di Ponte a Egola sono lieti di invitarvi alla prima edizione della “Sagra della bistecca”. L'evento si svolgerà da venerdì 5 Luglio a domenica 21 luglio presso il Lago Santa Barbara in Loc. La Serra di San Miniato (PI)
The Vine Pruner Festival is back, a great day of celebration among the vineyards, open to all those who love nature and "know-how" in the countryside.
A Vicchio di Mugello (FI) immersi nella natura del lago Viola si terrà la Festa del Tortello e del Maialino. Si tratta di 4 weekend nel segno della tradizione e della pasta fatta a mano.
A Paterno (PI) a fine marzo si svolge una sagra dedicata Tartufo Marzuolo, conosciuto anche come tartufo bianchetto: la Sagra del Tartufo Marzuolo e della cinta senese.
Where: San Donato in Collina
When: January 18, 2025 - March 19, 2025
Where: Firenze
When: Gennaio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pistoia, Piazza del Duomo
When: Gennaio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castelnuovo di Garfagnana
When: Gennaio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Torrita di Siena, centro storico e area giardini
When: Gennaio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castiglion Fibocchi
When: Febbraio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Le Piastre, Piazza della Chiesa
When: Febbraio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Aulla (MS)
When: Febbraio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Bagno a Ripoli
When: Febbraio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Rufina (FI)
When: Febbraio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Vernio (PO)
When: Febbraio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: c/o il Campo Sportivo - Fonteblanda (GR)
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Firenze, Piazza Santa Croce
When: Febbraio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Volterra (PI), Logge del Palazzo Pretorio
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: La Serra, San Miniato (PI)
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castelnuovo Berardenga
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Vicchio (FI), Lago Viola
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Albinia, Orbetello (GR)
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: San Giovanni d'Asso - Montalcino (SI)
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Torrita di Siena (SI)
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Greve in Chianti (FI)
When: Aprile
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Sorano
When: Aprile
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Scansano (GR)
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Vicchio del Mugello (FI)
When: Aprile
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Piteglio (PT)
When: Aprile
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Montefollonico - Torrita di Siena (SI)
When: Aprile
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Ghizzano
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Terriciola
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pieve Santo Stefano
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Firenze (FI)
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Siena
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Terricciola
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Montemurlo
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castiglion Fiorentino (AR)
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Palaia
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Lari, centro
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: San Leolino
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Iesa
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: La Serra
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Uliveto Terme, Campo Sportivo
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pozzolatico, circolo ricreativo culturale
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pelago, Circolo ARCI
When: Maggio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Seano di Carmignano (PO)
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Lastra a Signa
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Cellai
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Chianciano Terme
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castelfranco di Sotto
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: San Giuliano Terme,Spazio Sagre Circolo Arci "La Pergola"
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Buti, Parco Danielli
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pozzolatico, Circolo Ricreativo Culturale
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Altopascio
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Bientina, campo sportivo
When: Giugno
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: San Casciano in Val di Pesa
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Piancastagnaio (SI)
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Madonna dell'Acqua
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Buti, Parco Danielli
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Rosignano Marittimo (LI), Area Feste L'Oliveto
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castelfranco di Sotto, contrada San Michele in Caprugnana
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Montecchio, Campo Sportivo Ennio Viti
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Uliveto Terme, Campo Sportivo Comunale
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Casole d'Elsa
When: Luglio
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Aquilea
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Villafranca in Lunigiana (MS)
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Badia al Pino
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Fonteblanda (GR)
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Cortona, Giardini del Parterre
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Rosignano Marittimo, Area Feste L'Oliveto
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Donoratico
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Certaldo (FI)
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: La Serra
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Fiesole
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Santa Maria a Monte
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Abetone
When: Agosto
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Fucecchio
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Scansano
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Rigutino (AR)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Baccaiano - Montespertoli (FI)
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Capalbio, Circolo Cavalcanti di Maremma (ex campo sportivo)
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Montegiovi di Castel del Piano
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Le Botteghe
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Rocca di Montemurlo
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Santa Brigida, Pontassieve (FI)
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Vicchio (FI), Località Boccagnello, Lago Viola
When: Marzo
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pievescola di Casole d'Elsa (SI)
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Ghezzano, San Giuliano Terme
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Iesa - Monticiano (SI)
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pisa
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Buti (PI), Contrada San Nicolao
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Poggio alla Malva
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pescia
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Compiobbi, Fiesole (FI) - Circolo LA PACE
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Vivo d’Orcia - Castiglione d'Orcia (SI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Casole d'Elsa (SI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Riana Fosciandora (LU)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pieve Fosciana
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Marradi
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Lago Viola - Vicchio di Mugello (FI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Montalcino (SI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Arcidosso (GR)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Santa Fiora
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Piancastagnaio (SI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Abbadia San Salvatore (SI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Martignana, Montespertoli (FI)
When: Settembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pistoia, Parco di Piazza della Resistenza
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Sorano (GR)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Bagnolo di Santa Fiora (GR)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Bacchereto di Carmignano (PO)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Sasseta (LI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Caprese Michelangelo
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Campiglia Marittima (LI)
When: Ottobre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Montemurlo, Rocca
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pietrasanta, centro
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pitigliano (GR)
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: San Giovanni d’Asso
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Centro storico di Montepulciano (SI)
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: San Miniato, centro
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Firenze, Overkill Birreria
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Pistoia, Parrocchia della Vergine
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Marsiliana di Manciano (GR)
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Anghiari, Galleria Magi
When: Novembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
Where: Abbadia San Salvatore
When: Dicembre
Estimated period based on previous editions - dates not confirmed
LAST UPDATE: March 23, 2024
LAST UPDATE: March 11, 2024
LAST UPDATE: March 10, 2023
LAST UPDATE: February 16, 2023
LAST UPDATE: February 13, 2023
LAST UPDATE: January 19, 2022
LAST UPDATE: February 09, 2019
LAST UPDATE: April 06, 2017
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LAST UPDATE: February 11, 2017
LAST UPDATE: February 10, 2017
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LAST UPDATE: March 06, 2015
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LAST UPDATE: February 21, 2015
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LAST UPDATE: March 08, 2014
LAST UPDATE: March 02, 2014
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LAST UPDATE: February 15, 2014
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LAST UPDATE: March 12, 2013
LAST UPDATE: March 09, 2013
LAST UPDATE: March 08, 2013
LAST UPDATE: February 15, 2013
LAST UPDATE: March 31, 2012
LAST UPDATE: March 25, 2012
LAST UPDATE: March 11, 2012
LAST UPDATE: March 03, 2012
LAST UPDATE: February 01, 2012
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