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WardaGarda - Il Festival dell'Olio del Garda nel suo Entroterra

WardaGarda - Il Festival dell'Olio del Garda DOP nel suo Entroterra giunge quest'anno alla quarta edizione, nell'usuale location di Cavaion Veronese, il sabato 7 e domenica 8 settembre 2019.


from September 07, 2019
tutto September 08, 2019

 past event

Region: Veneto
Province: Verona

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WardaGarda 2018

WardaGarda - Il Festival dell'Olio del Garda DOP nel suo Entroterra è la terza edizione dell’evento dedicato all'olio Garda DOP in programma a Cavaion Veronese i giorni 8 e 9 settembre 2018.In programma un mercatino gastronomico, degustazioni, showcooking e uno spazio dedicato bambini.


from September 08, 2018
tutto September 09, 2018

 past event

Region: Veneto
Province: Verona

WardaGarda - Il Festival dell'Olio del Garda nel suo Entroterra

Place: Veneto / Verona

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

WardaGarda - Il Festival dell'Olio del Garda nel suo Entroterra

The appointment with the first edition of Warda Garda, an event dedicated to oil and tourism, is on Saturday 3 and Sunday, September 4, 2016 in Cavaion Veronese, a Corte Torcolo headquarters of the Consortium, with a program of tastings, meetings and tastings to deepen theme of tourism tied to oil. "We want to bring the public - says Andrea Bertazzi, President of the Consortium Oil Dop Garda - in the heart of our production". He adds Laura Turri, Vice President: "Warda is the ancient name Lombard hence the name Garda. Owes its origin to the lookout fortifications with defensive functions on the hills surrounding the lake, the same surveys on which for centuries cultivated the olive tree. " During the two days will be set up a market with DOP products, such as Polesano garlic and rice Vialone Nano IGP; There will be an exhibition of Valerio Marini with his illustrations dedicated to oil women, with the same Marini This Saturday and Sunday; both evenings for the public will have the chance to stop for dinner with local products thanks to the gastronomic proposal of the Pro Loco. Among the events scheduled Saturday, September 3 to 10 is scheduled the round table "Olioturismo, forms and routes of new tourists" moderated by Luigi Uploaded by Olioofficina with the participation of: Andrea Bertazzi, President Consorzio Garda oil DOP; Leandro Luppi, chef of Ristorante Vecchia Malcesine; Verona Garda Bike, Agency for the promotion of cycling; Elena Pigozzi, writer. A conclusion is provided for the delivery of the prizes of the competition for the Garda DOP Oil Oro Del Garda and pruning Giorgio Bargioni competition. Also on Saturday at 16 a tasting workshop to learn how to taste and match the oil; to 17 is the time instead of the show cooking Bruno Bassetto, famous Becher Treviso, which will offer the Garda oil DOP in combination with meat quality certificata.Domenica September 4 to 10 open to a walk through olive groves arriving at Fortino Cavaion. Back to 15 instead of the tasting workshop to learn about the oil and to 16 show cooking Bruno Bassetto. For more information soon online at: www.oliogardadop.it

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WardaGarda - Il Festival dell'Olio del Garda nel suo Entroterra

The event in brief

Name: WardaGarda - Il Festival dell'Olio del Garda DOP nel suo Entroterra

Where: Corte Torcolo sede del Consorzio - Cavaion Veronese (VR)

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Consorzio Olio Garda Dop

To read more on the web: http://www.oliogardadop.it/