Serata Epifania Tour

Place: Campania / Napoli

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Serata Epifania Tour

Epiphany night is a magical night but do we really know where the party originates from that still today wraps our lives and those of our children with spirals of magic?
In this tour dedicated to the nicest and mischievous old lady of the year, we have decided to tell all that is hidden in this friendly figure. Do you know the meaning of the Greek word "epiphanèia" and how did the ancient pagan cults understand it? And who was the primal Befana before Christianity intervened to change her cult? We will learn the hidden meaning of the broom which, only by the old lady of the gifts is ridden upside down but also who the Magi really were and what they have in common with the most famous mask of the commedia dell'arte. These, the bearers of gifts have left a precise mark in the city of Naples and we will not give you direct testimony. We will tell you about the esoteric meaning of the comet star and we will conclude with an ancient propitiatory ritual designed to bring back within each of us the energies that circulate in the atmosphere of an enchanted night in which, dulcis in fundo, the true story of the Befana cannot be missing.
Before reaching a renowned restaurant in the ancient center to toast in joy, each participant will be given a small bag containing a small but important surprise.


Tour starts at 17:45
Tour duration 2 hours
Meeting place: Naples - Piazza del Gesù Nuovo (near the obelisk in the center of the square on the newsstand side)

Tour of Costs:
-Full price €16
- Reduced € 11 (7 - 13 years)
-Reduced students € 14
(show enrollment at the University)... read more»

ONLINE booking recommended:

• Guided tour with expert guide of occult and history.
• 1 aperitif at a renowned restaurant in the old centre
• Epiphany gift

TO BOOK WITH PAYMENT DIRECTLY TO THE GUIDE JUST SEND A WHATSAPP MESSAGE Indicating a reference name and n* of participants (e.g. ROSSI 3px) Whatsapp 3511258465
INFO POINT 3511258465

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Serata Epifania Tour

The event in brief

Name: Serata Epifania Tour

Where: Napoli - Piazza del Gesù Nuovo - Napoli


Organization / promoter of the event: De Rebus Neapolis Associazione Culturale

To read more on the web:

The event on Facebook :