"Merendone" - Civitella in val di Chiana

Place: Toscana / Arezzo

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Ready for the 8th “Merendone” edition? Lots of friends, a magical atmosphere and specialties from Tuscany and Emilia Romagna are waiting for you all on Saturday 19th August.

Info & booking:
+39 339 75 47 101

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The event in brief

Name: "Merendone" a Civitella in val di Chiana

Where: Civitella in val di Chiana, Podere La Doccia - Via del Leprone, 44 - 52041 Civitella in Val di Chiana (AR)


To read more on the web: https://www.podereladoccia.it/