Gran Festa del Desmontegar

Luogo: Primiero S. Martino di Castrozza

Regione: Trentino Alto Adige

Gran Festa del Desmontegar

The descent of the cattle from the summer mountain pastures was once a sort of collective ritual. This strong and deep-rooted peasant pride is still celebrated today with a large parade, a long and colorful procession that passes through the historic centers of Primiero. Cattle, goats, horses decorated for the occasion parade accompanied by their breeders, who wear traditional clothing for the occasion. The procession, in which the Mezzano Folk Group, the Primiero Folk Musical Corps, the Musikkapelle Karneid and the Schützenkompanie Primör also participate, is welcomed joyfully by villagers and visitors who crowd along the route. At lunchtime, everyone goes to taste the tasty Primiero dishes at the food stands of Tonadico, Transacqua, Mezzano and Imèr.

The Sunday of the "Desmontegada" is the culminating moment of this event dedicated to tradition, breeding and dairy products that lasts four days. Four days of events dedicated to the world of livestock and agriculture throughout the Primiero area, to allow visitors to discover and experience first-hand the flavor of the peasant tradition of our Dolomite valley.

For the entire duration of the event, restaurants and agritourisms adhering to the Strada dei Formaggi delle Dolomiti will interpret the art of Primiero cheesemaking in the Menu of the Gran Festa del Desmontegar.

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Coordinate dell'evento

Titolo: Gran Festa del Desmontegar

Luogo: Primiero S. Martino di Castrozza - Primiero (TN)

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: -

Organizzatore / promotore dell'evento: Comitato Tradizione e Cultura di Siror / Associazione Tonadighi Strighi / Unione Allevatori di Primiero

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