Edizioni successive

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Sagra del Lambrusco e degli Spiriti diVini 2019

L'edizione 2019 della Sagra del Lambrusco e degli Spiriti diVini ad Albinea è programmata dal 13 al 16 giugno 2019. Torna la mostra mercato di vini e prodotti tipici emiliani, oltre a ristorante con piatti tradizionali, degustazioni guidate, showcooking, esibizioni, musica live, spettacoli ed approfondimenti con i convegni a tema.


dal June 13, 2019
al June 16, 2019

 evento passato

Regione: Emilia Romagna
Provincia: Reggio Emilia

Festival of Lambrusco and Spirits diVini

Place: Emilia Romagna / Reggio Emilia

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Festival of Lambrusco and Spirits diVini

The 2015 edition of the Festival of Lambrusco and Spirits diVini Albinea is scheduled June 18 to 21. Back the exhibition of wines and typical products from Emilia, as well as a restaurant with traditional dishes, wine tastings, performances and insights.

Landmarks of the event will be Cavicchioni Square and Park Lavezza. The Festival of Lambrusco is one of the highlights of the regional project "WE HARE Reggio Emilia for Expo 2015" organized by the Committee which brings together the main local institutions for the promotion and enhancement of excellence of the territory in the year of Expo Milano 2015.

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Festival of Lambrusco and Spirits diVini

The event in brief

Name: Sagra del Lambrusco e degli Spiriti Divini

Where: Piazza Cavicchioni - Piazza Cavicchioni - Albinea

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Pro Loco, Ente Turismo

To read more on the web: http://www.sagralambrusco.it/sagra-...