Extra Lucca 2014 celebrates the extra virgin olive oil

Place: Toscana / Lucca

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Extra Lucca 2014 celebrates the extra virgin olive oil

At A Villa Bottini in Lucca more than 50 producers invited by Fausto Borella, "Maestrod’olio", for a new edition of "Extra Lucca " from the 15 February 16, 2014. The frescoed halls of the sixteenth-century Villa Bottini, in the heart of Lucca, the city symbol of quality Italian oil, will be the stage to this second edition.

In addition to tastings of flower flowers fresh pressing oils from all over Italy matched correctly to food, there will be meetings between great chefs and personalities of different fields. And then discussions on extra virgin olive oil, and insights on global scenarios this central food in the Mediterranean diet.During the event will be presented Terred'Olio 2014, the book-guide edited by Fausto Borella and published by Cinquesensi and will be awarded the recognition Luigi Veronelli and oil Maestrod in that in this year, thanks to the care and wisdom of producers, next to climatic, benevolence will express the best interpretation of the territories that they generate. Extra Lucca is sponsored by Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, EXPO 2015, Comune di Lucca, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Fondazione Palazzo Boccella and takes place in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca and Gas GESAM.

Info: tel. 0583 495164-segreteria@extralucca.it

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Extra Lucca 2014 celebrates the extra virgin olive oil

The event in brief

Name: Extra Lucca 2014 celebra l'olio Extravergine di oliva

Where: Villa Bottini , via Elisa - Villa Bottini - via Elisa - Lucca

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: L'Accademia Maestrod'Olio®

To read more on the web: http://www.extralucca.it