Birra in Forma - cena degustazione con birra e formaggi

Place: Toscana / Siena

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Birra in Forma - cena degustazione con birra e formaggi
The Dairy Sodelli and La Bottega Matta celebrate the marriage of Pecorino and Beer Quality in an all to enjoy dinner, Sunday, January 8, 2017 in Via del Borgo, Contignano, Radicofani (SI). During the evening you can enjoy 7 craft beers paired with dishes made with cheese of Sodelli Dairy Farm, where Pecorino is the protagonist. For each main flow we will be matched two beers: one for affinity and one for contrast, while for the dessert is provided a single beer tasting. La Bottega Matta will help in the selection of craft beers and presentation of the same revealing the secrets for a perfect match. The menu includes: - Antipasti Tris (crostini with Muffino and rigatoni and Muffino and prosciutto, cheese tasting with various combinations of Fossa Pecorino flakes with rocket and balsamic vinegar) - Gnocchi with Peconzola- beef rolls stuffed with Pecorino with vegetable flan and ricotta- Yogurt sheep with meringues and Nutella * the cook will amaze you with other small surprises the cost of dinner is € 28.00 and includes appetizer, first, second, dessert and 7 beers (from about 15 cl each). They will be available only 50 seats, so it's essential to book in advance. You can do so by sending a message to Giulia at 338 3701205, also via Whatsapp, and specifying the number of seats to be reserved and your name. At the end of the evening, you can also purchase the beers that have most impressed, to enjoy them at home.
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Birra in Forma - cena degustazione con birra e formaggi

The event in brief

Name: Birra in Forma - cena degustazione con birra e formaggi

Where: Contignano - Radicofani (SI) - Via del Borgo, Contignano - Radicofani (SI)


Organization / promoter of the event: Caseificio Sodelli e La Bottega Matta

The event on Facebook :