Barbaran in gradea

Luogo: Barbarano Vicentino

Regione: Veneto

Barbaran in gradea

Barbaran in Gradea returns, the Grand Barbecue Gala in the 2024 edition from August 30 to September 1 in Barbarano (VI) at the Palatenda in Via Zonato, for three days of celebration, music, dancing, and a food stand.

First courses with bigoli and gnocchi with various sauces
Grilled meats with new additions of Ribeye and Wild Boar Stew
Barbaran fritter
And many other new items.

  • Friday, August 30: Orchestra Mauro Levrini
  • Saturday, August 31: Orchestra Selena Valle
  • Sunday, September 1: Orchestra Manuel Martini

Rich food stand open from 7 PM, also for takeout!!
Dancing on a steel floor

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Coordinate dell'evento

Titolo: Barbaran in gradea, il Gran Galà della grigliata

Luogo: Barbarano Vicentino - Barbarano Vicentino (VI)

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: -

Organizzatore / promotore dell'evento: Associazione Pro Colli Berici Aps

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