Una Valle di Birra - Susa

Place: Piemonte / Torino

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Una Valle di Birra - Susa

Una Valle di Birra is scheduled in Susa (TO) from Thursday 12 to Sunday 15 October 2023 in the Ex Assa Area, Corso Uniti.

Four days with the greatest challenge, with shots of mugs, among the most well-known Piedmontese breweries arriving from all the provinces. Added to this is quality Street Food with traveling chefs selected by the Food Village by Different Events and excellent music.

Here is the program:

Thursday 12th street food from 6.00pm and Suary Band, Disco Music from the 70s to today, from 9.00pm
Friday 13th street food from 6.00pm and Rock Dance Songs, Rock Music from the 70s to today, from 9.45pm
Saturday 14th street food from 12pm and Night Party with Deejay Frank and his dancers, from 10pm
Sunday 15th street food from 12.00 and mobile disco with full music, from 18.00
Free and open access... read more»

In collaboration with the City of Susa, Cna Torino and Laboratorio Alte Valli.

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Una Valle di Birra - Susa

The event in brief

Name: Una Valle di Birra - Susa

Where: Susa, Area Ex Assa - Corso Stati Uniti - Susa (TO)

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Be Different

The event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/977...