Una Mole di Panettoni

Place: Piemonte / Torino

Attention: this is the card from a past edition. Search the site or check with the references in the text if there is an edition scheduled for this year.

Una Mole di Panettoni

On 25 and 26 November "Una Mole di Panettoni" returns to the Hotel Principi di Piemonte, a showcase of excellence which for over 12 years has brought together the best leaveners of Italian pastry making in Turin for a sweet weekend. Also for this edition, the organizing company Details Events of Laura Severi and Matilde Sclopis of Salerano has selected exclusively artisans who respect rigorous quality rules: the use of mother yeast and the exclusion of any type of chemical additive (preservatives, mono and diglycerides , emulsifiers, artificial flavors and semi-finished products).

From Campania to Piedmont, from Tuscany to Sicily, from Liguria to Marche, there are 35 master leaveners in the competition. For the first time this year, the technical jury, made up of journalists, gastronomes, pastry chefs, pastry teachers, chefs and food bloggers, will judge the panettone on Monday 20 November, before the event, in via Lamarmora 35 in Turin, from 9.30am at 1.30pm. To announce the winners at 2pm via Facebook live.

On Saturday 25 November at 9.45 am at the Hotel Principi di Piemonte, the ribbon cutting will take place which will inaugurate the event in the presence of the Councilor for Commerce Paolo Chiavarino, representing the mayor of Turin. Other representatives of city institutions will also be present, while the Cavaliere del Lavoro Nicola Fiasconaro will preside on behalf of the leaveners. The official awards ceremony of the "Una mole di panettone" competition will take place at 10am which, as per tradition, also this year includes three categories: the Best traditional Milanese school panettone (tall without icing); the Best traditional Piedmontese panettone (low with icing) and the Best creative panettone.

The Jury will assign the panettone, which will arrive anonymously, a score from 1 to 10 based on various criteria, including: weight of 1 kg (tolerance of 100 g in excess and 50 g in deficiency including the baking cup) , general appearance, shape, aroma, colour, alveolation, palatability, acidity, aftertaste, cooking.

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Una Mole di Panettoni

The event in brief

Name: Una Mole di Panettoni

Where: Torino, Hotel Principi di Piemonte - Via Piero Gobetti, 15 - Torino

When: -

Organization / promoter of the event: Dettagli Eventi

To read more on the web: https://www.unamoledi.it/

The event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/unamoledi