Acetaie Aperte

Luogo: Acetaie aderenti

Regione: Emilia Romagna

Acetaie Aperte

The last Sunday of September is scheduled for Acetaie Aperte, the event that allows you to visit many vinegar factories to discover the secrets of the authentic Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and to learn how to taste them, appreciating their particularities.

Over 30 companies in the province of Modena are waiting for you to discover how the two most precious gastronomic treasures of our territory are born.

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Coordinate dell'evento

Titolo: Acetaie Aperte

Luogo: Acetaie aderenti - Via Ganaceto, 134 - Modena

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento:

Organizzatore / promotore dell'evento: Consorzi Tutela Aceto Balsamico

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