Statte and surroundings. Events and places to visit. Create your itinerary

Make your visit to Statte special. If you live, find yourself, or plan to go to Statte and are looking for an idea to spend the day seeing or doing interesting things, we can help you.

La festa patronale a Statte

A Statte si festeggia Madonna del Rosario. La festa patronale è nel mese di October. La prossima festa del patrono a Statte sarà il giorno 07 October 2024.

Ritieni che questa informazione sia errata? Contattaci per email o inviaci un messaggio su Facebook per aiutarci a correggere eventuali imprecisioni.

Events and interesting places to go

Exhibitions and Festivals



April 13, 2024 - May 30, 2024

Muratcentoventidue Artecontemporanea is pleased to present "Flags ", a group exhibition featuring works by Lydia Dambassina, Lello Gelao, Gabriela Golder, Francesca Loprieno,... Read more

Interesting places to go

Eventi in Italia

Sagre in Basilicata - calendario
Sagre in Valle d'Aosta - calendario
Sagre in Molise - calendario
Sagre in Abruzzo - calendario
Sagre in Calabria - calendario
Sagre in Puglia - calendario
Sagre in Toscana - calendario
Sagre in Veneto - calendario
Sagre in Emilia Romagna - calendario
Sagre in Piemonte - calendario
Sagre in provincia di Napoli - calendario
Sagre in Campania - calendario
Sagre nelle Marche - calendario
Sagre in Trentino Alto Adige - calendario
Sagre in Liguria - calendario
Sagre in Umbria - calendario
see all