Sardinia Wine and Wineries, farmhouse and tasting tours

Sardinia produces some fine DOC and DOCG wines like Vermentino di Gallura and Cannonau.
Sardinia is one of the most scenic areas of the Mediterranean, so a wine tasting tour is certainly a great touristic experience. The different DOC areas of Sardinia have very specific characteristics, as well as the wines made there, even if they are joined under the same denomination, like Sardinia Cannonau.

Choosing an accommodation on farm holidays should be the best way to visit Sardinia out of the usual touristic spots.


Sardinia Docg Wines

Sardinia Doc Wines

Sardinia Igt Wines

Eventi in Italia

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Preview
Sagra delle frittelle - San Donato in Collina
Carnevale a Borgosesia
Grandi Langhe
Amarone Opera Prima
Fiera Radicchio Rosso - Casaleone
Sagra San Biagio - Campobernardo
Sagra del Firun - Fiera di Sant'Apollonia
Fiera di Sant’Apollonia - Rivolta d’Adda
Sagra di San Bello
Festa del Radicchio rosso di Treviso a Dosson
Vignaioli Naturali a Roma
Vini Migranti
Forlì Wine Festival
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