Umbria • Tourism
Umbria: Among the Most Beautiful Villages with a View of the Sky

Our continuous search for new experiences involving taste, art, and local culture throughout Italy brings us back to writing about the splendid Umbria. This is a land rich in gastronomic excellence, with some of the most beautiful villages in Italy, and a theater of many events in every season, from food festivals to historical reenactments, cultural events, and performances.
Fascia Olivata dell'Umbria - ph. credits Frantoi Aperti

Umbria and Gastronomy

Umbria is a land full of gastronomic excellence. Think of its DOCG wines like Montefalco Sagrantino, the highly sought-after Umbrian pork products, Norcia truffle, and DOP extra virgin olive oil. Trattorias, osterias, and restaurants offering typical cuisine are spread across the region, allowing visitors to satisfy their curiosity and desire to try the most characteristic dishes and products in every season. However, if you find yourself in Umbria in the coming days, we can also recommend some public events.

For those in the province of Perugia, the second weekend of July brings "Marcellano VinCanta," an event that combines music, wine, food, and art among the alleys of the village of Marcellano. To enjoy the famous fried codfish "alla perugina," head to Badiola, a hamlet of the municipality of Marsciano (PG), during the "Sagra del Baccalà alla Perugina."

Those who can explore the southern side of the region can discover Otricoli, a charming village in the province of Terni. At the beginning of August, the village hosts "VinOtricolando," offering three days of music, performances, artists, wineries, and local gastronomic traditions.

If you're visiting Umbria in the autumn, don't miss the "Frantoi Aperti" event, which celebrates the arrival of the new extra virgin olive oil. Every year, this event involves an increasing number of Umbrian villages, offering experiential visits to oil mills and a packed schedule of activities set against the natural backdrop of olive groves and the medieval ambiance of the participating towns.

In 2023, among other initiatives, "La Grande Pedalata Lungo la Fascia Olivata dei Colli Assisi - Spoleto" was introduced. This is an e-bike oleotourism itinerary along bike paths that pass through the spectacular 40-kilometer landscape where olive cultivation has harmoniously shaped the environment over the centuries, creating a "living cultural landscape." Notable places related to olive oil culture include the hill of ancient olive trees "Rajo di Montecampano" in Amelia, and the world collection of olive trees "Olea Mundi" in Lugnano in Teverina.

Also in autumn, the annual event "Corciano Castello di Vino" takes place, dedicated to the region's enology and gastronomic traditions. This event transforms the village of Corciano, selected among "The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy" and recognized as a "European Destination of Excellence," for several days.

Corciano Castello di vino

An image from a past edition of Corciano Castello di vino... read more»

The Trasimeno Wine Consortium and the Colli del Trasimeno Wine Route are the stars of the event, offering tourists and wine lovers the opportunity to learn more about the wine traditions of the Trasimeno area. In addition to tastings, "Corciano Castello di Vino" features a series of related activities, including guided tastings, scholarships, masterclasses, music, photography, and themed conferences.

In the autumn, Corciano and Trasimeno are matched by the "Strada del Sagrantino," which has organized the "Colori d'autunno, il foliage della vite del Sagrantino" photography contest for several years. This occasion serves as a reminder that the autumn foliage in vineyard landscapes is another unmissable opportunity to discover Umbria, ideally through a respectful excursion on foot or by bike. The "Strada del Sagrantino" supports those who want to enjoy a wine tourism journey at any time of the year, offering visits and tastings in wineries, oil mills, and farms in the area, and helping with accommodation and dining choices among the associated hotels and restaurants. From the website, you can also download the "Strada del Sagrantino" map with details on the routes, opening hours, and production types.

Foliage nel territorio del Sagrantino

The Foliage along the Strada del Sagrantino (ph. credits Strada del Sagrantino)

The "Strada del Sagrantino" includes the Montefalco Wine Protection Consortium among its members. Montefalco, known as the "balcony of Umbria" due to its dominant position, is also listed among "The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy" and is well worth a visit. A great opportunity to visit the Umbrian village of Montefalco, which is also part of the "Città del Vino" association, is during the national event "Calici di Stelle," which also involves numerous wineries in the region during the evenings around August 10, the "Night of San Lorenzo." On that occasion, the focus returns to the sky, hoping for a starry night, while the restaurants in the historic center offer themed menus paired with the prestigious Montefalco wines.

Umbria also has a lot to offer for lovers of quality beer, produced by its craft breweries. Here are some of the most recognized names in the region: Birra Flea, Gramigna, Mastri Birrai Umbri, Altotevere, Birra Perugia, Birra Bro, Fratelli Perugini, Centolitri, Birra dell'Eremo, San Biagio, Osiride, Bastian Birraio, Birra Alfina. Don't miss the chance to try Umbrian craft beer!

Umbria and Its Villages: Art and History

Corciano Corteo del 400

Historical reenactments in 15th century costume in Corciano

The "medieval" villages of Umbria are among the most sought-after destinations for those who enjoy tourism far from the big art cities and classic seaside or mountain vacation spots. Several locations also allow visitors to relive the atmosphere of distant eras with traditional historical reenactments.

Corciano, which we mentioned earlier, is also a great destination in summer, particularly in August, thanks to the traditional "Agosto Corcianese" and "Corciano Festival." This festival features days of outdoor performances, including visual arts, theater, music, literature, and historical reenactments. The 60th edition has already been scheduled for August 9-18, 2024. The event will include the fascinating historical reenactments in 15th-century costumes with the "Menestrelli di Corciano" directed by Giovanni Brugnami and the "Cerimonia del Lume," where the Corcianese magistracy offers a candle to the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta. On August 15, there is usually a 15th-century costume ceremony to honor the "Gonfalone" by B. Bonfigli, followed by an evening archery contest between Corciano's medieval districts (Borgo, Castello, Santa Croce, Serraglio).

Montefalco, another of Italy's most beautiful villages and a star of the "Notte delle Stelle" on August 10, offers a series of events during the "Agosto Montefalchese," culminating in a week-long historical reenactment organized by the "Ente Fuga del Bove." The four historic districts of Montefalco (Sant'Agostino, San Bartolomeo, San Fortunato, and San Francesco) compete for the coveted "Falco d'Oro." The event includes the "Gara dei Tamburini e Sbandieratori," the "Gara di Balestra e Staffette," and finally the "Corsa dei Bovi," a reenactment of the "Fuga del Bove." During the festivities, there is also a "Processione delle Lampade" and a fireworks display. Each district is assigned a bull to train and care for throughout the winter to compete against the other districts. The spectacular competition involves the bull handlers urging their bulls along a challenging course, with one district emerging as the champion.

In the realm of history, culture, and art, we remind you that if you are passing through Castel Ritaldi, in the province of Perugia, in late July or early August, you can experience the "Palio del Fantasma," a summer event in medieval costume.

However, Umbria has much to offer in terms of modern and contemporary culture and art, which can make your stay in the region even more interesting. Major art exhibitions will be featured throughout the summer until September 15, 2024, at the National Gallery of Umbria in Perugia, where you can admire a painting by Klimt, "Le Tre Età," from the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome.

And if that weren't enough, contemporary art has chosen this region as the ideal place to reconnect the past with present-day creativity through permanent installations. This is the case with two great contemporary sculptors, Arnaldo Pomodoro and Beverly Pepper, who have chosen Umbria as an open-air museum for their sculptures.

le colonne di Todi

Beverly Pepper Todi Columns, 1979 – 2019 Cor-ten steel (approx. 12 m each column) Beverly Pepper Park, Todi (photo George Tatge) © Beverly Pepper. All rights reserved

Beverly Pepper, born in Brooklyn in 1922, was an American sculptor and painter who passed away in Todi in 2020. Her large-scale works are located in various places throughout Umbria:

- In Spoleto, in Piazzale Roma, Gift of Icarus (1962), and other sculptures can be found at the Carandente Museum in Palazzo Collicola.
- In Assisi, in Piazza San Pietro, Ascension (2008).
- In Brufa di Torgiano, in the Sculpture Park, Broken Circle (2011).
- In Panicale, in the Regina Margherita Green Area, Panicale Theater (2016).
- In Todi, in addition to the two columns installed in 2009 in front of the Temple of Santa Maria della Consolazione and the artist's studio on the hill of Torre Gentile, there is the Beverly Pepper Park with twenty works donated to the city.
- In Terni, a stainless steel fountain designed by the artist about 10 years ago, although the project has yet to be completed.

Arnaldo Pomodoro, born in 1926, is one of the greatest living artists, and with his sculptures scattered across the globe, he has managed to bring contemporary Italian sculpture to some of the world's most iconic locations. His works are also present in various locations in Umbria, as shown on the map below, and one of them brings us into the world of wine.

Mappa Opere di Pomodoro e Pepper in Umbria

In the municipality of Bevagna, another beautiful village in the province of Perugia (listed among "The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy"), about thirty kilometers northeast of Todi, there is a winery that offers the chance to admire a suggestive work by Arnaldo Pomodoro, as well as to discover the best wines produced in these hills. This is one of the Lunelli Estates' wineries, named after the artist's work: "Carapace". It is a true sculpture, consisting of a laminated wood dome covered with copper plates, with a diameter of 30 meters, which harmoniously blends into the landscape and the land where Lunelli Estates' Montefalco Sagrantino is born. The winery is open for guided tours and tastings by appointment (see the company's website).

Carapace - Tenute Lunelli

Carapace, 2005-2012, laminated wood dome covered with copper plates, ø 30 m, and a red fiberglass dart, 18 m. Bevagna, Lunelli Estates Winery (Photo by Pietro Carrieri) © Arnaldo Pomodoro. All rights reserved

Experiencing Umbria During the Summer Months

Suoni Controvento

Let's start again from Todi, Beverly Pepper's adopted city, which is located about forty kilometers south of Perugia. It's a hill town (situated at around 400 meters above sea level), with a beautiful historic center that retains its medieval character, enhanced by some stunning buildings, including churches and palaces. At the end of summer, Todi hosts a festival that this year is scheduled from August 24 to September 1.

The "Suoni Controvento" festival, which runs from July 9 to September 8, takes place across 20 locations from the north to the south of the region, animating towns such as Assisi, Campello sul Clitunno, Corciano (a new addition in 2024), Costacciaro, Fossato di Vico, Gualdo Tadino, Gubbio, Montefalco, Narni, Norcia, Pietralunga, San Gemini, San Venanzo, Scheggia e Pascelupo, Sigillo, Spello, Spoleto, Stroncone, Terni, and Trevi.

Notable July events include:

- On Saturday, July 13, at 6 PM, at the Cai Madonna della Spella Refuge in Spello, there will be a solo piano concert by Claudio Vignali, part of an event organized in collaboration with Jazz Around (free entry).
- On Sunday, July 14, at 6 PM, at Pian di Monte on Mount Cucco (southern take-off area), there will be a dance performance with Danz'Art and "The Garden" (free entry).

The following weekend's program is also rich, featuring music, excursions, and meetings, with more events lined up for August (discover more).

Among the towns involved in the festival is Gubbio, a hilltop village (located over 500 meters above sea level) with a history tied to Saint Francis, who sought refuge here after leaving Assisi. In addition to the beauty of Gubbio's historic architecture, it's worth noting an ongoing exhibition dedicated to artistic craftsmanship, another great Italian and Umbrian excellence, which will run until August 25. Gubbio is also famous for the Palio della Balestra, held every year on the last Sunday in May and repeated on the second Sunday in September.



From the editorial team - last updated on July 10, 2024

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