Sagra Sansilvestrese

Where: Campania / Benevento

In the month of August, the legendary Sagra Sansilvestrese traditionally returns to San Silvestro, a hamlet of Sant'Agata dei Goti, in the province of Benevento. A long-awaited event that includes a weekend of celebration with music and food.

Where does "Sagra Sansilvestrese" take place?

The event takes place in San Silvestro - Sant'Agata Dei Goti (BN)

When it takes place Sagra Sansilvestrese?

Period / day of execution: August 09, 2024 - August 11, 2024

Who organizes or promotes Sagra Sansilvestrese?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Parrocchia San Silvestro Papa

Where can you find more information about Sagra Sansilvestrese?


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