Sagra del Casoncello di Pontoglio De.Co

Where: Lombardia / Brescia

The tradition that links Pontoglio to the feast of S. Antonio Abate (17 January) and to the Casoncelli is very ancient. The ancient custom dictates that in the days close to January 17th, families gather in the warmth of affection to savor the famous Casoncelli.

It is possible to experience this climate by booking in restaurants or purchasing Casoncelli at Alimentari Pontogliesi shops.

The initiatives on the occasion of the Casoncello festival in Pontoglio De.Co. take place in Pontoglio (Brescia) from 4 to 17 January 2025.

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Where does "Sagra del Casoncello di Pontoglio De.Co" take place?

The event takes place in Pontoglio, ristoranti aderenti - Pontoglio (BS)

When it takes place Sagra del Casoncello di Pontoglio De.Co?

Period / day of execution: January 04, 2025 - January 17, 2025

Who organizes or promotes Sagra del Casoncello di Pontoglio De.Co?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Comune di Pontoglio

Where can you find more information about Sagra del Casoncello di Pontoglio De.Co?



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