The historic event linked to the ancient rites in honor of Sant'Antonio Abate is renewed in Trivigno. The celebrations, which begin already during the week with religious celebrations culminating in the lighting of the large bonfire in Piazza Plebiscito and "The night of bonfires and wishes".
The cult for Sant'Antuono is a centuries-old cult which has found particular development in the local community, since the inhabitants of the town entrusted the saint with the success of their harvests and the protection of their livestock, in accordance with the purely agricultural structure which regulated their entire existence. In the past, after the wood was collected from the houses of the inhabitants of the village, the fires were lit in each district, first of all the one in front of the chapel dedicated to the Saint, where the animals were blessed and festive and participatory moments of conviviality took place. In the following days, the ashes of the bonfires were scattered in the fields, a simple but highly symbolic gesture: fertilizing the land and hoping for its benevolence towards the crops.