Fiera Radicchio Rosso - Casaleone

Where: Veneto / Verona

Veneto offers numerous events for Radicchio lovers. Among these, in Casaleone, in the province of Verona, there is one that has been taking place for more than thirty years: it is the Red Radicchio Fair. Two weekends among local flavours, to learn about local traditions in a festive atmosphere.

A rich program awaits visitors from all over the region to celebrate radicchio together. Among the events of the event we find: the Radicchio March, the Best Radicchio competition, photographic exhibition, food stands, meetings, music, sports and entertainment. There will be a rich radicchio-based menu!

The 35th edition of the Radicchio Festival takes place in Casaleone (VR) on the weekends from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 January and from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 February 2024.

The traditional Radicchio March will be held on Saturday 27 January 2024.

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Where does "Fiera Radicchio Rosso - Casaleone" take place?

The event takes place in Casaleone, Piastra Polivalente - Piazza della Pace - Casaleone (VR)

When it takes place Fiera Radicchio Rosso - Casaleone?

Period / day of execution: January 24, 2025 - February 02, 2025

Where can you find more information about Fiera Radicchio Rosso - Casaleone?

Website: http://www.fieraradicchiocasaleone....


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