Fiera Nazionale della Nocciola di Cortemilia

Where: Piemonte / Cuneo

Cortemilia, a small village of 2,300 inhabitants in the Alta Langa, is the capital of the Tonda Gentile Hazelnut: a unique variety that finds the best soil for its growth here. With its round shape, fruity taste, and intense aroma, it is highly appreciated by the Italian and international confectionery industry and has been recognized as the best in the world for its unique characteristics and perfect balance in flavor.

In July, this precious local product is celebrated through the National Hazelnut Fair. The event features a rich calendar of activities, including concerts, theater performances, and moments dedicated to Piedmontese tradition and food and wine.

We do not yet have confirmed information about the next edition. You can look for updates using the references below (website for more details or Facebook page).

Where does "Fiera Nazionale della Nocciola" take place?

The event takes place in Cortemilia - Cortemilia (CN)

When it takes place Fiera Nazionale della Nocciola?

Period / day of execution: August

Who organizes or promotes Fiera Nazionale della Nocciola?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Comune di Cortemilia

Where can you find more information about Fiera Nazionale della Nocciola?

Website: https://www.fieranocciolacortemilia...


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