Fiera “Città della Nocciola” a Castellero

Where: Piemonte / Asti

The Fair dedicated to the Trilobata Piedmont Hazelnut, organized by the Municipality and the Pro Loco of Castellero, is an event awaited by lovers of good things that returns every year among the rolling hills of Monferrato. Among the most characteristic events is the Hazelnut Yield, a competition reserved for growers, who compete on the quality of their product.

Where does "Fiera “Città della Nocciola” a Castellero" take place?

The event takes place in Castellero - Castellero (AT)

When it takes place Fiera “Città della Nocciola” a Castellero?

Period / day of execution: October 10, 2024 - October 13, 2024

Who organizes or promotes Fiera “Città della Nocciola” a Castellero?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Welcome Piemonte

Where can you find more information about Fiera “Città della Nocciola” a Castellero?



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