Festeggiamenti di San Giustino a Valentano

Where: Lazio / Viterbo

In Valentano (VT), the Feast of San Giustino takes place in September to celebrate the patron saint as per tradition. During the festival days, gastronomic events and entertainment are organized.

The saint's relics are carried in procession on the fourth Sunday of September.

From September 20th to 22nd 2024, the squares and streets of Valentano will come alive with a series of events designed for all ages. The celebrations, characterized by a retro aesthetic that evokes the vibrant colors and iconic graphics of that decade, represent a true celebration of '90s pop culture.

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Where does "Festa di San Giustino a Valentano" take place?

The event takes place in Valentano, centro - Valentano (VT)

When it takes place Festa di San Giustino a Valentano?

Period / day of execution: September 20, 2024 - September 22, 2024

Who organizes or promotes Festa di San Giustino a Valentano?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Comitato San Giustino 1984

Where can you find more information about Festa di San Giustino a Valentano?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ComitatoSa...

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