Festa del Ritorno

Where: Calabria / Catanzaro

In Sant'Andrea Apostolo dello Ionio (CZ), the Festa del Ritorno, organized by the Pro Loco, returns to Corso Umberto I. An important moment of popular aggregation, where flavors, sounds and stories recall the experiences of those who were forced to abandon their native land to seek better living conditions far from home.

Where does "Festa del Ritorno" take place?

The event takes place in Sant’Andrea Apostolo dello Ionio - Corso Umberto I - Sant’Andrea Apostolo dello Ionio (CZ)

When it takes place Festa del Ritorno?

Period / day of execution: August 13, 2024

Who organizes or promotes Festa del Ritorno?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Pro Loco Sant’Andrea

Where can you find more information about Festa del Ritorno?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prolocosan...

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