Festa Del Cardo Dolce - Cervia

Where: Emilia Romagna / Ravenna

In Emilia Romagna, the Cervia sweet thistle festival takes place at the end of January. The event promotes one of the local products, typical of the winter period, with purifying and antioxidant properties. A food stand awaits visitors who want to taste or buy Cervia cardoon.

Festa Del Cardo Dolce - Cervia

This year the appointment with the Sweet Cardo Festival in Cervia is scheduled for 25 and 26 January 2025.

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Where does "Festa del Cardo Dolce - Cervia" take place?

The event takes place in Cervia, centro storico - Cervia (RA)

When it takes place Festa del Cardo Dolce - Cervia?

Period / day of execution: January 25, 2025 - January 26, 2025

Who organizes or promotes Festa del Cardo Dolce - Cervia?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Consorzio Cervia Centro con Comune di Cervia

Where can you find more information about Festa del Cardo Dolce - Cervia?

Website: https://www.turismo.comunecervia.it

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cerviacent...

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