Cesuna in Festa

Where: Veneto / Vicenza

Good food, music and fun are the essential and genuine ingredients of this summer event in the municipality of Cesuna, on the Asiago Plateau, in the province of Vicenza. The protagonists at the table are some of the most representative products and recipes of this splendid area, such as the Asiago d'alpeggio cheeses from the renowned "Caseificio Pennar", the "La Gata" cake made by the homonymous consortium of Vicenza pastry chefs and many other products.

Where does "Cesuna in Festa" take place?

The event takes place in Cesuna, PalaCiclamino - Cesuna - Roana (VI)

When it takes place Cesuna in Festa?

Period / day of execution: August 10, 2024 - August 16, 2024

Who organizes or promotes Cesuna in Festa?

The promoter / organizer of the event is Comitato organizzatore

Where can you find more information about Cesuna in Festa?

Website: https://www.cesuna.it/

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