Edizioni successive

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Cena di Note 2017

Venerdì’ 22 settembre 2017 ore 20.00 presso a Grancona, in provincia di Vicenza, torna il secondo appuntamento della nona edizione della manifestazione musical-gastronomica, che abbina la grande musica colta all'arte gastronomica: Cena di note. In apertura della serata, concerto di musica classica con artisti di fama internazionale presso la chiesa di San Vincenzo Martire e, a seguire, cena a tema presso il ristorante TreQuarti.


September 22, 2017

 past event

Region: Veneto
Province: Vicenza

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Dinner of Note at the Country Hotel Relais Monaco

The grand finale for the sixth edition of the now historical overview Dinner notes. Under the artistic direction of conductor Alexander Venetian Tortato, it closes the curtain with a last missed appointment scheduled for Friday, November 7, 2014 at the Country Hotel Relais Monaco in Ponzano Veneto, in the unique setting of the Trevisan.


September 11, 2015

 past event

Region: Veneto
Province: Treviso

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Dinner of Note at the Country Hotel Relais Monaco

The grand finale for the sixth edition of the now historical overview Dinner notes. Under the artistic direction of conductor Alexander Venetian Tortato, it closes the curtain with a last missed appointment scheduled for Friday, November 7, 2014 at the Country Hotel Relais Monaco in Ponzano Veneto, in the unique setting of the Trevisan.


November 07, 2014

 past event

Region: Veneto
Province: Treviso

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